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September 2020

Indoor Air Quality and Proper Ventilation of Your Home


Indoor air quality is important whether at home or at work. The EPA states that in the last few years scientific evidence has shown that the air quality within our homes and place of business can be more polluted then outdoor air. This evidence even included more industrialized cities. Additionally, people spend as much as [...]

Indoor Air Quality and Proper Ventilation of Your Home2020-09-10T16:43:47-04:00

March 2018

Is closing air vents in unused rooms a good or bad idea?


Most of us don’t give a second thought about whether or not to close air vents in unused rooms. This scenario doesn’t come up too often in a home – since most rooms are utilized. Where it can happen more commonly is an office building, especially a large one. Instinctually we assume that closing vents [...]

Is closing air vents in unused rooms a good or bad idea?2020-09-10T16:41:36-04:00

February 2018

The New Way To Heat and Cool Your Home


It's no longer considered a luxury to heat and cool a home with an HVAC system. These "modern" comforts are what many feel they cannot live without, and many literally can’t. Unfortunately, the cost of staying comfortable year round regardless of weather can be quite high if it is approached in a conventional fashion. [...]

The New Way To Heat and Cool Your Home2020-08-26T18:05:18-04:00

November 2017

Can an HVAC heating & air conditioning system make you sick?


There’s an old and ongoing argument on whether heating and air conditioning systems can actually make you sick. It can sometimes seem they go hand in hand, especially during cold and flu seasons. So, what is the truth? Do these systems make people ill? And if so, how? In this article, I’ll be looking [...]

Can an HVAC heating & air conditioning system make you sick?2022-02-28T17:23:50-05:00

March 2013

Top Rated Air Conditioning Repair Services In Richmond


As a Richmond Home owner you know how volatile the weather can be. A Top Rated Air conditioning repair Service provider can help insure that your air conditioning system is fully functional all year-round. At Automatic Climate, we know that when you need emergency air conditioning repair or an AC replacement, reliable service means everything. [...]

Top Rated Air Conditioning Repair Services In Richmond2013-03-11T15:05:36-04:00

January 2013

Richmond Virginia > Air Conditioning Repair


Air Conditioning Repair In the Summer As a resident of Richmond Virginia, you know how important air conditioning repair can be. remember how hot it gets mid summer when temperatures hit above 90 degrees. One of the worst experiences for a local homeowner is to walk into their home and find it the same temperature [...]

Richmond Virginia > Air Conditioning Repair2017-05-10T20:17:44-04:00

December 2012

John C. Thornton – Heating Air Repair


[schema type="review" url="" name="John C. Thornton" description="Heating Repair in Richmond Virginia" rev_name="Heating Repair" rev_body="Thank you for excellent same day service in a timely manner. After my heat went out Joe showed up a few hours later. A few day later on Christmas eve the new fan motor stopped working again. I called Joe and to [...]

John C. Thornton – Heating Air Repair2013-01-09T16:18:03-05:00

Heating Air In Richmond Virginia


Heating Air using a heat pump HVAC system Through the years Automatic Climate has had to deal with numerious types of heating air systems in the richmond and surrounding areas. The one heating system that we found to work the best is a duel fuel heat pump heating system. The duel fuel heat pump system [...]

Heating Air In Richmond Virginia2012-12-23T23:53:16-05:00

Heating Repair > Service and Repair Information For Richmond


It is imperative to have highly sophisticated heating and air conditioning systems in places which face extremely harsh winter and summer months. By doing so, you can live a comfortable and safe life without being vulnerable to seasonable changes. After all, fans and blankets, won’t offer protection from frostbite or heat stroke. Heating repair and [...]

Heating Repair > Service and Repair Information For Richmond2017-05-10T20:17:44-04:00

Heating Repair > Fix A Common Heat Pump Problem


Heating Repair and the most common problems   Although we refer to it as a "heat pump", it's main function is to cool in the summer and heats in the winter. The heat pump's function is to help transfer thermal energy from a heat source to what is known as a heat sink. Heat Pump [...]

Heating Repair > Fix A Common Heat Pump Problem2017-05-10T20:17:44-04:00
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