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November 2012

Converting From Oil To Electric Heat Pump HVAC System


Convert Your Home From Oil To an Electric Heat Pump HVAC System and Save $$ Why buy a new HVAC system at Automatic Climate? Cooling and Heating your home with oil, a window air conditioner, or an outdated HVAC system will cost you up to $3,050 dollars this year. On average [...]

Converting From Oil To Electric Heat Pump HVAC System2020-10-05T16:45:02-04:00

Here is a Method That is Helping Homeowners Save Hundreds On Heat Pump Repair


A Heat Pump is just like an Air Conditioning System that works in reverse. Today you have many choices and grades of Heat Pumps available on the market. Many new homes have opted to use energy efficient heat pumps to help cut down on heating cost while affectively heating their homes. Unlike a geothermal heating [...]

Here is a Method That is Helping Homeowners Save Hundreds On Heat Pump Repair2018-01-21T20:23:03-05:00

March 2012

Spring Is Here: Programmable Thermostats and Daylight Savings Time


Spring is here, and the number one item in homes most people over look is their thermostats. Don't forget to change your programmable thermostat clock to eastern daylight time so the heating or cooling comes on at the correct times.   Keep your home cosy with a Programmable Thermostat Set the temperature within each room to [...]

Spring Is Here: Programmable Thermostats and Daylight Savings Time2017-05-10T20:17:46-04:00

Energy Saving Tips In Your Home Without An Energy Audit


In this article, you will find tips to a better, safer, and more energy efficient house. In the tips below, it shows how you can make a "healthier" home. The facts will also help you consume your energy that is contained in your house. Although and Energy Audit is a great place to start, you [...]

Energy Saving Tips In Your Home Without An Energy Audit2017-05-10T20:17:46-04:00

January 2012

Most Common Reasons Why You Have a Broken AC Unit


As a homeowner, you may be in the similar predicament: The temperature outside is rising rapidly and your home is starting to resemble a sauna, but when you turned on your air conditioning unit, nothing happened. The sweet escape of frigid air that you have come to expect never occurred. And even after you checked [...]

Most Common Reasons Why You Have a Broken AC Unit2020-01-07T16:39:47-05:00

3 Tips To Fix Broken Air Conditioning Condensation Pipes


Reverse cycle (refrigerative) air conditioners contain drain pipes that remove any condensation from an air conditioning system. Sometimes these condensation pipes can become blocked. So what happens if these drain pipes become blocked and what can you do to clear them? Below is a guide to air conditioning drains with 3 tips to maintain and [...]

3 Tips To Fix Broken Air Conditioning Condensation Pipes2012-01-29T18:36:49-05:00
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